Norilia participated in two podcasts from - one about Norwegian Agriculture's contribution to a circular economy, and one about agriculture's innovation camp 2020.
Norilia took part in two podcasts about circular economy and innovation

Circular economy
The Norwegian government will release a new national strategy about circular economy, and related to this a large seminar was held in which different actors from agriculture could give their inputs. Heidi Alvestrand from Norilia took part in the seminar and in a podcast about this theme, click here to listen to the podcast (in Norwegian).
Innovation camp
The Agriculture Innovation camp finds new solutions for a sustainable Norwegian agriculture. In the fourth edition, the challenge was to find solutions for a better resource usage., a platform that will connect supply and demand for rest raw materials, was one of two solutions that won the innovation camp this year. Marije Oostindjer from Norilia was part of this winning team, and participated in a podcast (in Norwegian) that explains the idea, and how it was to be part of this innovation camp. Read more about here (in Norwegian).
Heidi Alvestrand
Marije Oostindjer, PhD