Refining nature's finest products

Photo: Sune Eriksen
About us

Out of respect for the animals and the environment, we believe in using every part of the animal to create sustainable products the world wants and needs. We are always looking for ways to add value through innovation and collaboration and finding the best solution for your business. Everything we do starts and ends with quality.

A business model based on sustainability

Out of respect for the animals and the environment, we believe in using every part of the animal to create sustainable products the world wants and needs. Norilia's business model is based on sustainability through its contribution to the bio economy and creating circularity in the Norwegian meat industry.

Adding value through innovation and collaboration

The ideas and inspiration for our innovations come from our raw materials, from our customers, or from what the market and society wants and need. Turning these ideas into products with added value to our customers often requires smart solutions and processes. To achieve this, we often seek out expert competence from academia and industry to collaborate with us.

Several of our on-going research and innovation projects aim for developing products that will benefit health, focusing on people interested in sports nutrition, and the elderly. Our raw materials provide an excellent base for developing products that provide that little extra that these consumers need. Many of our projects and innovations aim to increase sustainability by finding a better use of our raw materials, or even developing more sustainable products. As an example, our innovation projects related to materials all deal with creating more sustainable materials.

Collaboration and new technology have been key to developing our ingredients
Collaboration and new technology have been key to developing our ingredients
Photo: Sune Eriksen

Finding the best solution for your business

We are open to collaborating with partners with innovative ideas or processes to create even more value for our customers. We offer high-quality products and are flexible in finding new products, materials and ingredients that are not currently in our assortment.

We start and end with quality

Quality is at the core of our processes, from the raw material we use through to the final product. A good example is our Norwegian hides, which are world-class. 50-60% of Norwegian cattle hides are used in the luxury market for the production of handbags, clothing, shoes, and car upholstery. Rapid chilling after skinning, in addition to quality labor by the farmers, are two of the key factors that secures the high quality that Norwegian hides are known for. An uninterrupted cooling from slaughter to delivery at Norilia's hide plant at Skjeberg provides the best foundation for further refinement. Employees have a continuous focus on quality and development supporting the creation of top-quality products.

About Norilia

Norilia is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nortura. Our purpose is to take care of and utilize co-streams, or plus-products as we call it, from the meat and egg industry to contribute to a profitable and sustainable agriculture. Our work is based on more than 60 years of experience, and today we export to the entire world.

Eggshell membrane heals chronic sores

Norwegian hens are world-class when it comes to animal health and welfare. This gives Norwegian eggs a unique quality and a fantastic starting point for developing new products. Norilia has collaborated on a research project with Biovotec and Nofima AS, a research institute, in order to develop an organic adhesive bandage made of eggshell membrane that can help heal chronic sores. This is a serious health problem with significant costs for both individuals and society.

From Norwegian cattle to luxury handbag

Norwegian cattle hides are world-class and are used in the luxury market for the production of handbags, belts, shoes, and upholstery. The cold Nordic climate and the farmers’ excellent animal care provide a great starting point for the refinement of hides at Norilia's hide and skin processing facility.

High quality proteins made available through a gentle process

Proteins – everyone needs them, but some consumer groups cannot seem to get enough of them. Norilia has implemented a gentle, trade secret protected process to make the most out of poultry proteins. This process makes the proteins more easily available and they can be used in a wide range of applications.

Norwegian wool - a long history with a bright future

Sheep are one of the oldest livestock animals in Norway. We have a long tradition of taking care of and using wool. Below, you can learn more about how wool is produced in Norway today.

Sustainable quality products from pure and safe commodities

Clear air, clean water, and pure nature. Production adapted to natural conditions and based on local resources. A high level of competence and a continuously focus on quality. Healthy animals that are well cared for. The commodities that form the basis for our production are of world class quality.

About Norilia

Norilia is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nortura. Our purpose is to take care of and utilize co-streams, or plus-products as we call it, from the meat and egg industry to contribute to a profitable and sustainable agriculture. Our work is based on more than 60 years of experience, and today we export to the entire world.

From Norwegian cattle to luxury handbag

Norwegian cattle hides are world-class and are used in the luxury market for the production of handbags, belts, shoes, and upholstery. The cold Nordic climate and the farmers’ excellent animal care provide a great starting point for the refinement of hides at Norilia's hide and skin processing facility.

Norwegian wool - a long history with a bright future

Sheep are one of the oldest livestock animals in Norway. We have a long tradition of taking care of and using wool. Below, you can learn more about how wool is produced in Norway today.

Eggshell membrane heals chronic sores

Norwegian hens are world-class when it comes to animal health and welfare. This gives Norwegian eggs a unique quality and a fantastic starting point for developing new products. Norilia has collaborated on a research project with Biovotec and Nofima AS, a research institute, in order to develop an organic adhesive bandage made of eggshell membrane that can help heal chronic sores. This is a serious health problem with significant costs for both individuals and society.

High quality proteins made available through a gentle process

Proteins – everyone needs them, but some consumer groups cannot seem to get enough of them. Norilia has implemented a gentle, trade secret protected process to make the most out of poultry proteins. This process makes the proteins more easily available and they can be used in a wide range of applications.

Sustainable quality products from pure and safe commodities

Clear air, clean water, and pure nature. Production adapted to natural conditions and based on local resources. A high level of competence and a continuously focus on quality. Healthy animals that are well cared for. The commodities that form the basis for our production are of world class quality.



Morten Sollerud

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