Norilia's natural casings

Norilia has exported various types of Norwegian natural casings for more than 50 years. Norwegian natural casings come from healthy animals and processing facilities with a strong focus on food safety. Norilia is the main actor in natural casings in the Norwegian market, and has many years of experience with both import and export of natural casings.

Photo: Sune Eriksen

A great starting point for quality and food safety

An animal supplies more than just meat. The Norwegian meat industry has a lot of competence in how to harvest all value during the slaughter process – from all parts of the animal. Norwegian animal husbandry has a strong focus on animal health, and a low use of antibiotics. Healthy animals are the basis for high quality products. Norwegian abattoirs also maintain a strong focus on food safety – products from Norwegian slaughterhouses are safe products.

Refining with skill and technology

The refinement of natural caseings used to be a manual process – these days most of the manual labor has been replaced by machines. However, this does not lessen the need for focus and precision among the employees working with casings. Expertise and experience still provide the fundament for a great final product.

Unique qualities for unique applications

Norwegian sheep and pork casings are suited for use in fresh sausages (uncooked, unsmoked – bratwurst for example) because of the soft quality of the casings. Norwegian natural casings are wide in caliber and are therefore well suited for the production of "charcuterie" products, as is popular in countries around the Mediterranean.



Wenche Nordli

Director Natural casings
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